Stanley Sue. University of California, Davis. Best book for the course. Dr John Kantor. Report this review. Perfect for grad student level. Dr Jon Elhai. Psychology Dept, University of Toledo. Great book. Broad in scope. Have used it for two years in my dissertation preparation course. Dr Kevin Keenan. Psychology , Michigan School of Professional Psychology. Dr Leslie Ashburn-Nardo. The level of this text is too sophisticated for use in my Research in Psychology course.
Dr Debra Swoboda. A very thorough and user friendly book. Dr Melinda Blackman. Great book and continuing resource for graduate students and early career researchers.
Dr Jacob Benfield. Key features. Features: Chapters offer practical advice on topics of importance throughout the research process. The volume assembles a fine set of "master" researchers who share with student apprentices skill sets and experience accumulated as a result of years of practical exposure to the design, development, implementation, and documentation of research in psychology, increasing students' capacity for professional-level work.
A special topics section gives advice on such issues as coordinating a research team, applying for grants, and using theory in research. New to this edition: Six new chapters cover research scripts, statistical power, multilevel analysis, computational modeling, program evaluation, and scale and test development. Because of the importance of the Internet and related technology, all chapter authors explicitly address effects of technology on their domains. Student Exercises have been added to supplement the Recommended Readings and Reference lists at the end of each chapter.
For instructors. Select your digital copy vendor:. Select a Purchasing Option Electronic version. ISBN: Related Products. Methods for Behavioral Research. Log in with Facebook Log in with Google. Remember me on this computer. Enter the email address you signed up with and we'll email you a reset link. Need an account? Click here to sign up. Download Free PDF.
Handbook of qualitative research methods for psychology and the social … John Richardson. A short summary of this paper. Download Download PDF. Translate PDF. Handbook ofSkipqualitative to content research methods for psychology and the social sciences. Google Scholar: Look up in Google Scholar Abstract This book explains the principal qualitative methods and applies them to psychological problems.